Payment Reconciliation Report

The Payment Reconciliation Report is a report that is available under the billing category of the Report Center. The purpose of the report is to track all payments and refunds. This report is similar to the "Payment Detail Report" only this report includes prepayment information to simplify reconciliation. The report can be accessed on the navigation menu by clicking Reports | Report Center | Billing | Payment Reconciliation Report.   


The report Includes the following information:

Payments: payments tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date payment posted), regardless of Date of Service

Refunds: payment monies refunded tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date refund posted); not including any charge, adjustment, or write off codes

Apply to Prepay Transactions: monies that have already been applied to a charge/CPT code and are refunded to Prepayment, tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date prepayment refund posted)

Prepay Credit Transactions: monies that have already been applied to a charge/CPT code, have been refunded to the Prepayment, and are then credited to a new charge/CPT Code, tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date prepayment credit posted)

Prepayment Transfers: monies moved from Prepayment bucket and applied to charge/CPT code, tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date prepayment monies transferred to charge/CPT code)

Prepayments: payments added immediately to the Prepayment not applied to a charge/CPT code) tracked by Payment Transaction Date (date prepayment posted)

The report will display the following totals, grouped by patient:


  • Prepayment Transaction Balance: sum of Apply to Prepay Transactions, Prepay Credit Transactions, Prepayments, and Prepayment Transfers per patient
  • Payment Transaction Subtotal: sum of Payments and Refunds per patient

Grand Total: sum of Prepayment Transaction Balance and Payment Transaction Subtotal per patient

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