The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale is an 18-item, provider-administered measure designed to assess positive, negative, and affective symptoms of individuals who have psychotic disorders.
Special Instructions
- The highest applicable rating is always assigned, even if the patient meets criteria for lower points as well. The rater must use a holistic perspective in deciding which anchoring point best characterizes the patient's functioning and rate accordingly, whether or not all elements of the description are observed.
- Because it is a provider-administered measure, when assigned it will not appear in the patient’s MYIO account. Instead, it will be queued up for you to fill out when you start your next note for that patient. Or you can add it directly to any Mobile Note using the “Add a Measure” feature.
Scores Produced
BPRS 18-item (0-126)
Overall, JE, Gorham DR: The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS): recent developments in ascertainment and scaling. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 24:97-99, 1988.