The SCARED-parent is a 41-item, parent/other administered scale that aids in the diagnosis of panic disorder/significant somatic symptoms, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and significant school avoidance.
Special Instructions
Choose the answers that best describe the child over the past 3 months.
Once the patient has submitted it, you may preview it on the uninitialed documents tab in the EHR. However, do not initial it or it won't later be pulled into your Mobile Note.
Scores Produced
- Total
- Panic Disorder/Significant Somatic Symptoms
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Separation Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Significant School Avoidance
- Total score of 25 or greater may indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder
- Panic Disorder/Significant Somatic Symptoms may be present if this score is 7 or greater AND Total score is 30 or greater
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder may be present if this score is 9 or greater AND Total score is 30 or greater
- Separation Anxiety may be present if this score is 5 or greater AND total score is 30 or greater
- Social Anxiety may be present if this score is 8 or greater AND total score is 30 or greater
- Significant School Avoidance may be present if this score is 3 or greater AND Total score is 30 or greater
Developed by Boris Birmaher, M.D., Suneeta Khetarpal, M.D., Marlane Cully, M.Ed., David A. Brent, M.D., and Sandra McKenzie, Ph.D., Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pgh. (10/95).